Nicholas Bale

Previews By Nicholas Bale

Demigod Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

Demigod is a real-time strategy game, but it's a different kind of RTS. There's base-building, resource harvesting, and big epic battles, of course, but each aspect is done just a little different from it's genre counterparts. I got a chance to play a beta of the game to see exactly what it was all about, and I walked away from it quite impressed with what the results might be. Read More.

TrackMania DS Preview (DS)

By Nicholas Bale ()

TrackMania has had quite a few iterations in its series, all on the PC. Now, however, comes TrackMania DS, set to release on March 17th of this year. There are a lot of fans of TrackMania out there, and to see it become a portable title is certainly something worth watching for. Read More.

Multiwinia Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

In 2005, a small Indie developer by the name of Introversion released a game called Darwinia. It was unique in its style, if not for its gameplay as well, where you had to take control of a massive computer system, home to programmed creatures called Darwinians, in order to fight back a massive virus invasion. Read More.

King's Bounty: The Legend Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

What happens when you take Heroes of Might and Magic and strip out the strategic aspects, then emphasize and strengthen the RPG parts? You get King's Bounty: The Legend, a reimagining of a classic 1990s title that is actually considered the precursor to the HOMM series. Read More.

Deca Sports Preview (Wii)

By Nicholas Bale ()

Likely the best known game on Nintendo's latest platform is Wii Sports, given it's the first thing most people played after unpacking the console and a good demonstration of the system's unique controls. We've seen a few other sports compilations released since that time, most of which have simply fallen fell short. Read More.

Sacred 2: Fallen Angel Hands-On Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

I was recently given the opportunity to meet up with Mario Kroll, Director of PR with cdv USA, for a hands-on demo of the upcoming Sacred 2. I played Sacred when it came out, and was amused at its free-roaming action-role-playing-game formula. It was like Diablo, but bigger in scope and idea, with a much bigger world and a whole lot more to do. Read More.

Saga Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

The massively multiplayer RTS genre is one that hasn't seem too much exposure on the gaming market, often glossed over for the more traditional MMORPG. Still, the genre has a following, at least enough of one to warrant another title in the field. Saga is one of these few games, and has hit the beta stage, allowing gamers to experience this massively-multiplayer-online real-time-strategy game, one filled with dragons and dwarves, elves and orcs, and all the other staples of a fantasy world. Read More.

Pacific Storm: Allies Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

Pacific Storm is a game meant for strategic gamers, filled with a myriad of micromanaging options that'd make any grognard happy. Its expansion, Allies looks to add even more to the mix, giving you friends in the war, another side to fight as, and a few to options to the gameplay that'll deepen the tactical level of the game. Read More.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire Impressions (PS3)

By Nicholas Bale ()

At the recent PlayStaion 3 launch event in Toronto, we had an opportunity to go hands on with the final release of Namco Bandai's latest entry into the Gundam series, Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire. There's a lot to say about this game, and not a lot of it is good. Read More.

Europa Universalis III Preview (PC)

By Nicholas Bale ()

When most people think of real-time strategy games (or RTS for those of us 'in the know'), they think of games like Warcraft, Command & Conquer, buildings that produce units, technology trees, and micromanagement of dozens of units. Read More.
