Nicholas Bale

Features By Nicholas Bale

Xbox One Reveal: Why I'm disappointed

By Nicholas Bale ()

Associate Editor Nicholas Bale writes: "Overall, I'm disappointed with the Xbox One reveal. A lot of people are saying to 'wait for E3' when all the 'good stuff' will be shown, but I honestly don't know what Microsoft intended to do with this conference. I guess we'll see if, maybe, there is actually something worth getting, but unless there are some crazy bombshells, this is one console I'll be passing on." Read More.

E3 2011: Nintendo Press Conference: Recap

By Nicholas Bale ()

The show started with a bang: a symphonic orchestra walked in front of the crowd, sat down, and started playing an immediately recognizable tune, just as a montage of footage from The Legend of Zelda series started showing on the big screen. From the original Legend of Zelda on the NES to the yet-to-be-released Skyward Sword, the final note from the orchestra played just as people started to cheer. Read More.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Developer Interview

By Nicholas Bale ()

We recently had a chance to sit down with David Anfossi, the producer of Deus Ex: Human Revolution at Eidos Montreal for a one-on-one interview about the game. As a follow-up to our in-depth preview of Deus Ex: Human Revolution yesterday, we ask David about the inspiration for the third game in the series, and a myriad of other questions that'll leave Deus Ex fans foaming at the mouth. Read More.

Sony Delivers Annual Keynote

By Nicholas Bale ()

The Sony Conference came with a feeling of expectation, as there was a lot that Sony could promise the audience. There had been a lot of news that had gotten out over the internet, but most press was certain that Sony still had a trick or two up its multi-billion-dollar sleeves. Read More.
