Beyond: Two Souls is a action adventure game developed by Quantic Dream for the PlayStation 3. The game was released on October 8, 2013.
Our Review
Beyond: Two Souls Review
This thing is just embarrassing. When you’ve got a game that lacks any sort of tension or drama but is supposed to be a dramatic adventure, what’s left? Nothing, that’s what. All we have here is some good voice acting and the usual graphics that accompany any PS3 exclusive title and literally nothing to recommend to anyone looking for more than just sit there and not be entertained. If you’re desperate to experience the “plot” then just watch a Let’s Play – it’ll be exactly like playing the game yourself without having to waste money on the disc. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2013: Beyond: Two Souls Impressions
We get the chance to see Beyond: Two Souls in action, highlighting the gameplay to expect from this story-driven game and what kinds of puzzles and situations the main characer, Jodie Holmes, will encounter. Read More.
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E3 2012: Sony Unveils Beyond: Two Souls
At Sony's Press conference today, they unveiled Quantic Dream's new IP.
Entitled Beyond: Two Souls, the trailer showcased a girl by the name of Jodie Holmes (played by Academy Award nominee Ellen Page) inside a police station. Something has happened to her and she is visually startled. Read More.