ZombiU is a shooter game developed by Ubisoft Montpellier for the Nintendo Wii-U. The game was released on November 18, 2012.
Our Review
ZombiU Review
No one can argue that we haven't seen our fair share of zombies in the gaming industry. Everywhere you look the walking dead are being gunned down, struck down, ridiculed and basically reduced to cannon fodder in every way imaginable. But in almost all these games, zombies are often little more than a nuisance - the chaff you fight through to get to bosses, psychos, special zombies, and so forth. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2012: ZombiU Preview
ZombiU is a planned Wii U exclusive from Ubisoft; an entry into the library of Nintendo's newest console. It's a pretty good indicator of the capabilities of the Wii U controller and was very interesting and fairly intuitive to play on. Read More.
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