Omerta: City of Gangsters is a strategy game developed by Haemimont Games for the PC. The game was released in February 2013.
Our Review
Omerta: City of Gangsters Review
Omerta is a code of silence and honor that most Mafioso types try to live by. It involves noncooperation with authority figures and law enforcement, even when you yourself have been a victim of a crime. Likewise, Omerta: City of Gangsters, seems less like a game that's trying to engage the player and more a game that's taunting the player with its own internal code of silence and noncooperation. Read More.
Previews and Features
Omerta: City of Gangsters Preview
People talk about The American Dream all the time. It is the belief that even if you come from nothing, if you work hard and dedicate yourself to the goal you can become rich and powerful and be a big shot in the world. In the 1920s, many immigrants followed this dream, but the way to it was paved with booze, illegal acts, a pension for violence and the ability to keep your mouth shut. Read More.
E3 2012: Omerta: City of Gangsters Preview
Omerta: City of Gangsters is a unique look at taking over a city at the height of Prohibition during the Roaring 20's. You, as the main character and controller of a gang, get to decide the best way to expand your mob's territory in this city simulator that takes place in Atlantic City. Read More.
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