Telltale brings you an episodic, downloadable series of games based on the classic Jurassic Park franchise.
Our Review
Jurassic Park: The Game Review
Get ready to sit back and relax. No, really. It may seem like a rather odd way to start off a review, but in the case of Jurassic Park: The Game, it is definitely warranted. In between the excessively long cut scenes and the overuse of quick time events, there is little in the way of sustained action or ultimately user control that will grab your attention and engage you in the events and how they play out. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2011: Jurassic Park: The Game Preview
Telltale Games have their own take of how events unfolded in Jurassic Park, and it looks promising. Known for their 'story first' approach, they decided to branch out into this new territory and let the game-play unfold. Read More.
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