New Super Mario Bros. U is a platformer game developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo Wii-U. The game was released on November 18, 2012.
Our Review
New Super Mario Bros. U Review
Since the Nintendo DS, the New Super Mario Bros series has been a staple of Nintendo consoles, creating a sidescrolling Mario experience in stark contrast to the other 3D titles such as Galaxy. The problem with these, however, has always been that there's a feeling of blandeness, of a minimum level of effort that never seems to create a new experience, just a watered-down version of something we've already seen. Read More.
Previews and Features
E3 2012: New Super Mario Bros. U Preview
Naturally, with the pending release of the Wii-U, Nintendo is making sure some of their iconic characters will have their own title for the new system. The New Super Mario Bros. Wii-U is exactly what you'd expect of a Mario game with some new editions to bring out the features of the console. Read More.
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