Wanted was a hit at the box office. It made millions of dollars and fans loved it. It was your standard comic book summer flick. It's only natural that someone come along and decide to make a video game based off the movieā€¦based off the comic book.

The developers over at GRIN decided not to just make a game rehashing the details of the movie. Rather, Wanted: Weapons of Fate serves as a sequel to it. Taking place 5 hours after the events of the movie, we find Wesley Gibson (the nervous office worker turned assassin) asleep in his apartment only to be woken up by masked men raiding his room upstairs stealing what appears to be a kill order from the Loom of Fate. Wesley must soon discover his father's past and why another sect of the Fraternity wants him dead. While the main focus of the game does center on Wesley, you do get some mission where you get to play as his father, Cross and it opens up new options of play such as wielding dual pistols.

Perhaps the staple in this game; the movie; the entire series is the ability to curve bullets and in the game it is one of the highlights. Once you learn the ability curve bullets, when you want to, an arched line will appear and target an enemy. If the line is red, then the target won't hit due to an obstruction in the bullet's or bullets' (That's right bullets; as in more than one.) path. If the line is white, then it will hit its intended target. The mechanics to curve bullets at first take a little getting use to and it takes a few seconds to get it down right. The lining of shots, the targeting and releasing can bog a player down at first, but as any trained assassin knows, it takes getting use to. Once you let loose a couple of these bad boys, it will only take a split second before you are chucking bullets like a pro. However this ability doesn't come cheap. Each curved bullet cost adrenaline represented by bullets located at the top right of the screen. When they turn red, it means you have adrenaline available to curve a bullet. This is a great feature for the game to have and quite an important one. Without it, it wouldn't even be a Wanted game. It'd just be another shooter. They know this is the backbone of the entire series and they reward players with it. At points when you pull off a perfect shot, the camera follows the bullet as it curves around pillars and under low ceilings to hit its target. It's a fun thing and it never gets old to see it unfold.

Weapons of Fate is a third-person shooter along the lines of Gears of War, so you'll be hiding behind cover a lot in this game. However, it's not as slow moving as the latter. Weapons of Fate utilizes a sleek chain cover system that could put Gears of War to shame. The player can move fluidly from cover to cover and it fits with the tone of the movie. Wesley and Cross aren't bogged down by heavy armor so they have a little more agility when moving. This also plays well into combat thanks once again to the adrenaline meter. After a certain point, Wesley and Cross get access to a talent called Enhanced Quick Move (EQM). When this is used, the player will jump from cover and everything will slow down and the player can shoot at enemies before everything goes back to normal. This gives the game some great bullet-time stylized moments and can be an effective tool when popping off enemies quickly. It's a good system and a fun thing to use from time to time. The cover system for this game isn't just a means of defense for this game, it's your friend. You can even pull off quick-melee kills behind cover. With this and the EQM, it's a much better tool in this game than any other cover shooter.

The game also incorporates the EQM system into quick-time events. Rather than have the same-old quick-time events from other games with just pressing a button at a certain time, the player is a bit more active in these events. The player must move the targeting reticule and fire shots at enemies and bullets at them before time runs out. It's a little thing, but it makes Weapons of Fate feel different from other games that have these events and can be a step stone for new types of quick-time events.

While some will complain that this game is lacking a multiplayer, it's probably a good thing it's not in this game. While this is a cover shooter, curving bullets almost makes it pointless to have at times. Only a few assassins have this ability so to give this to every player would be a waste. What good would hiding behind cover in a multiplayer match be if they can simply chuck a bullet around it? Sure it might not kill you in the first hit, but once the ability to curve bullets is gone, it just becomes you basic shooter once again and that would just be a hindrance to the series.

Perhaps the worse thing this game has going for it is the sections where you actually have to man a turret. Usually when using a turret in any other game, you're an unstoppable beast that spits out hundreds of bullets a minute. Yet, I found myself hiding more times than I was shooting at bad guys. It just seems that once you get on a turret, their accuracy goes up by 100%. If you stay up firing, you'll likely be dead in about 3 seconds. It would not have been missed if these two sections were taken out all together.

The graphics for this game aren't all that amazing. It doesn't try and push your console to the limits. You really won't see too much distinction between character models. You'll be killing the same hoodie wearing assassin over and over again. And once in a while, you'll see bald guys in aprons that can dodge your bullets. Other than that, it's nothing really to get too excited about.

There are also a number of unlockables in the game such as comic book covers, concept art and quotes from the developer staff on the game. Yet, these are not really things that make this game really worth playing over and over again. You can also play as bosses you have fought in the game, but these are merely skins over Wesley and Cross so you're going to get the same character animations as the first playthrough. There is also a Close Combat mode where you must kill a set number of people with quick melee kills to progress on. This is really only a mode for the hardcore players and if you don't like seeing the same knifing animation over and over, it's not a mode you are going to be interested in.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate doesn't suffer from the "Bad movie-license game" curse. It is not that bad. Sure, curving bullets around objects to pop enemies is a cool mechanic and the dialogue is pretty funny as fits right in with the comic/movie. But it suffers from being too short and not having enough after you beat it to keep on playing. You can beat this game in a single sitting, so a rental is all you need. If you're a fan of the movie or comic, you'll pick it up for a day or two.