Personally I've always found that Sorry! is one of the more amusing board games simply due to the sheer frustration factor. There's nothing quite like watching your friends getting agitated as you send back one of his pawns that was just about to reach the safety of his base. That red face, the muttered curses, all the threats of bodily harm… ahh, the good old days. Nothing quite like taking out all those beatings your older brothers gave you by annoying the living heck out of them in a board game.

At its core Sorry! seems to be more about this mischievous frustration than anything else. You try to move your four pawns around the board in a clockwise path until they reach their "home base" where they are safe from harm. Of course this trip is harder than it sounds seeing as how much is left up to random chance as well as what your friends try to do.

Movement is done by drawing cards from the deck, playing them to determine how much moving you can do each turn. If you land on another person's pawn or if you bump into them by hitting one of the slides then they are sent back to their starting point. This is part of the strategy aspect of the game that makes it more complicated than it initially appears to be. Who do you make it your goal to slow down? How do you do this while not drawing too much attention to yourself? That's pretty much the down and dirty but the dynamics of the game change with every turn as players repeatedly change who their targets are while trying to be the one to win the game.

It's a pretty energetic game when you're playing face to face with other people and your enjoyment of it will really depend on who you're playing with. If you have four people you can sit around with then this will work out great. The same thing applies if you happen to get more lively players on Xbox Live. But should you end up with a quiet bunch who don't really talk then the whole thing can just really drag on and can even get a bit frustrating at times.

One of the things that makes Sorry! a bit more fun is if you actually aim for the achievements or play the optional modes. The achievements help draw out the games lifespan by giving you goals to aim for during the matches. The new optional modes add things like power-up cards with a variety of special effects that allow you to do a number of fun things, like wiping out all pawns on one side of the board or stealing cards from other players. These make the games far more hectic than before which makes them yet more enjoyable.

Honestly Sorry! is probably the strongest of the games in this whole Hasbro Family Game Night package due to this. Most of the other games are more "sit back and relax" affairs which runs the risk of you getting a bit bored if the game isn't going in your favor or if the other players aren't all that talkative. This whole thing is a lot of fun but it's generally going to be dependant upon the other players who are with you. The same can be said for plenty of games but it really hits the hardest here. So if you're not going to be able to get some good players together this might be a game that you end up passing on.