Saints Row 2 is a action adventure game developed by Volition, Inc. for the PlayStation 3. The game was released on October 14, 2008.
Our Review
Saints Row 2 Review
Two years later and no word of a cease and desist from Rockstar games yet. So here we are reviewing Saints Row 2. In all honesty, the Saints Row series is finding its niche target within the free roaming crime subgenre. It will appeal to those who felt the hastened gameplay of GTA: Vice City, and/or San Andreas was more appealing than that of GTA IV, albeit without the auto-lock aiming. Read More.
Previews and Features
Saints Row 2 Multiplayer Preview
Saints Row was one of the breakout releases of 2006, one of the first "open-world" action-adventure games on the next-generation consoles. Being a new franchise, against all odds it managed to hold its own against the gaming behemoth of the Grand Theft Auto series. Read More.
Saints Row 2 Q&A with Volition's James Tsai
With the release of Saint's Row 2 just around the corner, we recently had an opportunity to speak with James Tsai with Volition, the lead designer of Saint's Row 2. His responses are very candid, and discusses the development of the game, features that didn't make it into the final cut, and the challenges and benefits to having a multi-team studio. Read More.
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Related News
Saints Row 2: Corporate Warfare DLC Pack Now Available
THQ Inc. announced that the second downloadable content pack for Saints Row 2, titled Corporate Warfare, is now available for Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3. Corporate Warfare features a new mission arc that takes players deep into a civil war within the evil Ultor Corporation, and reveals the whereabouts of the long-lost 3rd Street Saint, Dex. The Saints Row 2 downloadable content also features new vehicles, customization options, multiplayer maps, achievements and more, and is available on Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network. For more information on Corporate Warfare, visit Read More.