Call of Duty: World at War continues to unleash the fury, as Activision and Treyarch announced that Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 is now available for download on Xbox 360 and the PLAYSTATION 3. The new map pack delivers four new maps – including a brand new Zombie map:

Deep in the jungles of Japanese controlled territory, players will battle to control the tall river bridge in “Banzai,” a bright, medium-sized jungle map featuring a stunning waterfall, villages and hidden caves well suited for deadly snipers, surprise attacks and all out gun battles.

In “Corrosion,” players will face down the enemy in a deteriorated Russian train yard. Shattered pipelines and war torn train cars decorate this mid-sized map and are great for full-out team combat. Beware, because the enemy could be anywhere!

Sub Pens
“Sub Pens” drops players into a close-quarter abandoned Japanese submarine base that’s littered with live ammunition, breached subs and idle fighter planes. Monsoon rains will be a factor as teams struggle to control key choke points in this tight map designed for exciting and deadly battles.

Shi No Numa (Zombie Swamp)
In this addition to the four-player co-op favorite, the un-ending Zombie horde requires players to keep moving, moving, moving! Imperial Zombies rise from the misty swamps and flaming Hell Hounds blaze through the jungle as players struggle to stick together. The situation is bleak, but there is help on the way: new traps to keep the undead out (the deadly Flogger), a zip line for quick escapes, and best of all, a new weapon: The Wunderwaffe DG-2. The DG-2, aka "The Lightning Gun" is the pinnacle of secret Nazi technology. Packed with 200,000 amperes of devastating chained electrical current, The Wunderwaffe DG-2 should help even the score and enable players to capture the 10 new Xbox 360 Achievements/PS3 Trophies waiting for them inside the deadly swamp.

Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack 2 is currently available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for the Xbox 360 and on the PlayStation Store for the PLAYSTATION 3. For more information about Call of Duty: World at War, visit